The guest speaker that day was a woman who had been Mrs. Utah and 1st runner-up to Mrs. America in the 1960s. For the last 50 years, she has given many, many talks. She usually dresses up as one of our venerated pioneer sisters and tells inspiring stories about their lives. JayneAnn Payne, of Provo Utah, now at age 93 and nearly deaf and blind, stood and told stories for 30 minutes without the benefit of notes. She dressed as Eliza R. Snow and told a little of her life, as well as several other pioneer women who made significant contributions in former days. She also told inspiring stories about Lucy Mack Smith, mother of the prophet Joseph Smith.

Those words really hit me! So I got to work writing a new song: "Come and Sit with Us" SSAA
Originally written for 4-part Women's Chorus, I had no choice but to sing it that day as a solo --- with my hoarse voice. Oh well, the audience seemed to like it anyway. They want me to sing for them again someday when I don't have laryngitis.