The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square's Christmas Concert this year featured guest artist Broadway star Kristin Chenoweth. She was delightful! All evening she told the audience that her goal was to make Mack Wilberg blush. She succeeded several times. It was fun banter and all in good fun. The concert was beautiful and very enjoyable. Our tickets were on the aisle in one of the frontmost sections, so we had a great view of everything -- even the dancers who came and danced right beside us. We thought that the huge gift boxes on stage (that were really video screens) were awesome. They kept changing the scenes on them from wrapping paper designs to visuals from New Testament movies to fun cartoon animations for "The 12 Days of Christmas" sing-along. Unusual and powerful. It was great. And the performers were spot on as expected. We really enjoyed ourselves.
Christmas Miracle #2 was that Ellis had enough energy to make it through the evening. We left very early so that we could get a good parking place close to the Conference Center. From there, he pushed the wheel chair over to Temple Square to see the lights for a while, and then we went over to City Creek to get dinner. After dinner, I made him actually sit in the wheel chair while I pushed him quickly back over to the Conference Center.
Christmas Miracle #3 - We had brought the wheel chair because I thought that he would get too tired waiting in the long line to get into the concert. But the nice ushers saw him in the wheelchair and said that we could go right in. We did not wait in line at all!
Christmas Miracle #4 - We were able to park the wheel chair at the top of the Terrace by the doors and walk down the stairs to our very good seats. Ellis enjoyed the concert very much even though it started AFTER his usual bedtime. By the time the concert ended, he was very tired, but still able to walk up the many stairs to where we parked the wheelchair.
Christmas Miracle #5 - We were able to safely negotiate the crowds on the way out of the Conference Center, along the walkways and to the parking lot. It was very cold outside, but Ellis was able to cuddle up in blankets for the ride home. The drive took twice a long coming home because of all of the roadwork on the freeway. But he was a trouper and lasted through it all!
Hurray for little Christmas Miracles!