According to my sources, the last time the convention was held in Salt Lake City was thirty years ago. It is quite an honor to be asked to sing at this conference. Mack Wilberg has reached superstar status in the eyes of these people for his 5-star rated arrangements and his association with the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra on Temple Square. We will surely be scrutinized to the "nth" degree! So, we as singers are trying desperately to memorize the concert repertoire with all the millions of words and technical details and emotional nuances. Not an easy task since most of us hold down day jobs and commute long distances in order to sing with the choir. We are really unpaid volunteers who happen to have a passion for singing. Most people consider the Tabernacle Choir a professional organization. We ourselves treat our association with the choir as a calling, or passion, and we do our best with the skills, talent and time we have. We put in our best effort and then pray earnestly for divine help. We lay our offering at the alter and the
Lord makes up the difference.
So, wish us well as we go into an extreme week of preparations for the ACDA conference concerts - two for the "high brows" with very difficult art music performed in the Tabernacle and the other for the populace of "low brows" (pops concert open to the public) held in the vast Conference Center. That concert will include some of our signature favorites as well as songs from Broadway, Folk Hymns, and Spirituals. Invited back to share the stage with us is Santino Fontana and also, renowned soprano, Slyvia McNair. All of the guest performing choirs attending the ACDA Conference will sit in the Plaza sections down front so that they can sing with us on a couple of numbers. Our repertoire is so vast and contrasting for these concerts, we have to change our personalities for nearly every piece! There is literally something for everyone on these programs.
Again, wish us well as we "Just fix it!"