Worshipping through music (particularly singing) is so powerful. The inspired words contained in the hymns help invite the Spirit into our home. Primary songs teach principles of the gospel in simple yet eloquent ways. Some of the most impactful sermons are taught through music. The marriage of lyric and music help the message stick in our brains and hearts. I cannot imagine a worship service without music, especially singing.
One person in our family commented that she would rather continue Home Church if going to Church meetings means not being allowed to sing. I tend to agree. I enjoy listening to prelude and postlude music, especially in our Ward because of our very accomplished organist. I enjoy hearing talks and spoken testimonies. I enjoy directing and/or singing in the choir. (I tend to be one of those musicians who truly enjoys the process of rehearsals. Yeah, call me crazy.) But singing the hymns together as a congregation brings the greatest worshipful attitude for me. There is just something spiritually powerful in joining my voice with hundreds of others in bearing testimony of Jesus, His life and mission. In those musical Spirit filled moments, my faith is strengthened.
Until this pandemic crisis is over, my family will continue to enjoy our Home Church Meetings --- with singing!