A Mack Wilberg arrangement sung by the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square seems to be a great formula for bringing long-forgotten hymns back into the collective LDS memory. Other hymns left out of the 1985 Hymnal that people seem to be advocating for again are "Amazing Grace," "It Is Well with my Soul," "Come Thou Fount," "Love Divine, All Love's Excelling," and others.
Perhaps something that must happen for a hymn to become favored again is for the listener to have a profound spiritual experience with it. That makes all the difference. A great arrangement sung by a group whose mission is to be a conduit for the Spirit sets up that scenario perfectly. Many people, myself included, have had profound spiritual experiences singing or listening to these hymns in powerful, new arrangements. Something old becomes new again.
Because most Ward Choirs have no orchestra at the ready, my arrangement of "If the Way Be Full of Trial, Weary Not" has a piano accompaniment. This Treble Chorus SSA version is the latest addition to my SATB and Solo versions.