It will be nice to have a chance to use New York City as a base location and travel out to the different venues on short jaunts, but return to sleep in the same bed most nights. We will even be allowed some free time to go sight seeing or even take in a Broadway show. Preparing for all of the events, traveling, performing, sight-seeing, and the weather have caused me some pre-tour jitters. Not the music, I've had the music memorized for some time. No, my angst has been about what to pack. Sadly, I tend to make poor wardrobe and shoe choices. Hopefully I have narrowed down the contenders and will pick and pack the right ones.
When I lived in Maryland some years ago, we would sometimes go up to New York to see a Broadway show, but we never stayed in the city. We would drive there and back home in the same day. The last time I actually stayed in New York City was in 1973 when I accompanied my Aunt Janie to see some shows. We parked on the street in front of her friends' apartment building many blocks north of the Theater District and rode the subway in to see the shows. Back then, the Times Square area was seedy and run down. It was just plain scary to be there. Now, Broadway has made quite a come back. I am so glad to have a chance to stay in a nice hotel and take in the sights and experiences of the Big Apple with 600 of my dearest and closest friends.
Some of us gals are going to see Disney's Aladdin one of the nights. I am so excited to get more ideas and insights how to do stage magic and design Children's Theater productions. It would be fabulous to work with the talented people they have on Broadway. And Disney MAGIC --- wow! The spectacle is going to be over the top. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have a BIG BUDGET! I am preparing to be blown away.............