Because so few people have been singing through the quarantines - particularly Church choirs - I have turned to writing Easy Hymn Duets for Piano 4 Hands.
These pieces are possibly misclassified as "easy." Let me explain. The Primo part is quite easy. When planning this project, I was thinking about some of my granddaughters. They are all at varying stages of their piano development. Their mother, my daughter, is a talented pianist and teacher. She loved the idea of having a variety of Hymn Duets for them to play together regardless of skill level. Because she plays very well, she appreciates having a Secondo part with challenges. So, the "easy" part of the Easy Hymn Duets is only in the Primo part. (However, there are opportunities in the Primo part for challenge variations, too.)
Over the past year, I finished a set of 10 Easy Hymn Duets. Each is available for digital download separately. Enjoy!
"Arise, O God and Shine," "Choose the Right," "Come Follow Me," "Count Your Blessings," "Did You Think to Pray," "Hope of Israel," "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go," "Kind Words of Love," "More Holiness Give Me," and "Praise to the Man"
These pieces are suitable for Piano 4 Hands, but, they may even work better if you happen to have two pianos or a piano and a keyboard side by side. (I visited a lady recently who had two Steinway grands in each of her four studios and recital rooms in her house. Imagine that!)