Now the big dilemma:
Do I use just free music that can be copied and re-copied without royalty infringements or do I create a library of published printed music from great composers?
I suspect that the students do not know and may not wish to spend the time learning music from the Masters. They may be familiar with some of the works that have been recorded by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. But they may be most familiar with music written by popular composers who put their music out there on the internet sites. The music needs to be easily accessible for groups of busy students with little time to prepare. Some wards will have a lot of musically talented people, and others not. So, there should be music in varied ability levels. I cringe at the thought of having a library full of illegally copied music!
Where do I obtain the necessary copies of this library music?
My thought is to ask for donations from the Wards in the Family Stake that the YSA Stake overlaps and takes adult leadership from. Surely, those Wards are healthy enough to donate 25-30 copies of a few titles each to get this project started. My next thought is to ask some local composers to donate copies of a few titles to the cause. I am thinking that Hymn arrangements would be the most appreciated and used. But, a few standards from the Masters might be appreciated, as well.
How do I advertise that this music is available for student use?
Each Ward has a Facebook page. I suppose I could advertise there. Each ward should also have a Ward Music Chairperson and a Choir Director. I could contact them directly by text or email (probably both). As this project goes forth, I will also ask these people what music they would most appreciate having in a Stake Lending Library.
The real problem is this:
How does the Library keep track of lending and receiving back titles?
I will probably be responsible for this. Lending out the music is not difficult -GETTING ALL OF THE MUSIC BACK IS!!!!!!!!!!!! Music gets lost faster than pocket change does! Retrieving Music of any kind has been the bane of my existence! Books, single copies and even single pages of music have been known to simply walk out of my house never to be seen again NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY TO KEEP TRACK OF IT! I have since put myself on a strict NO LENDING MUSIC mode.
This part of the project will be the most difficult for me, for sure.