My Lee Grandparents spent many summers living at the old BYU Aspen Grove campus. My grandpa taught Freshman English there. My dad thought he basically owned a permanent spot in Aspen Grove for all of the summers he spent roaming freely here. He brought his own children up here regularly. He threw out a blanket and read his book, while we kids freely roamed and had a marvelous time.
This place always gets me thinking of my Lee Grandparents. After the cook out, they liked to lead us in singing songs around the campfire. Their favorites were hymns. One in particular they liked was "The Wintry Day Descending to Its Close." That song is more about appreciating the beauties of nature than freezing in winter. Grandpa liked to sing it any time of year.
Several years ago, my sister asked me to write her a solo arrangement of it. Enjoy!