Every year when I attend the Christmas Carol Sings in the various elementary schools of my grandkids, we really only hear the accompaniment tracks including prerecorded singing by trained children singers. What, if anything, that we hear from our own kids is mainly monotone yelling. My heart is just hurt by this.
Do the teachers think that they just have no time to teach the songs? Or do they think that singing to the vocal tracks will disguise the fact that the kids really can't carry a tune? The poor classroom teachers have to bear this musical assignment (without music teacher support it looks like) along with everything else they have to do. Don't they have music classes anymore? Don't they allow enough time to actually teach the singing of the songs?
I am so grateful for my elementary school music teacher. She could really sing. And she could also play the piano while singing. We had such fun music classes. We did lots of activities, but mostly sang. We sang folk songs, patriotic songs, Broadway show songs, movie songs, and kids songs from who-knows-where-she-got-them. Along the way we learned sol-fege, sight singing, recorders, ukeleles, some history, musical skills, musical theater, and folk dancing. And when we had a program, we did our own singing! It was so great!!!!
When my older kids first got to elementary school, they had no music teacher or arts programs of any kind. I was asked to volunteer, which I did whole-heartedly. I wanted some kind of music in the school for my own children. It would only be a better experience if more kids joined them.
We did many school Holiday programs, and not just for Christmas. I was happy that most of the population of the schools wanted to be involved. I even had some wonderful parent helpers.
Here's one of our favorite winter-themed songs that was so popular we had to sing it every year. "Jingle Bells" 2-part for Children's Chorus