Yesterday I thought I would be helpful by letting her have quiet time in my room with me. I needed an afternoon nap. (I figured she might also nap.) CJ came up onto my bed, gently tucked the covers around me, and asked, "What do you want me to sing to you?" I told her, "Sing 'Baptism.'" So, she gently rubbed my forehead and started sweetly singing "Jesus came to John the Baptist in Judea long ago..." That song has some big words for a barely 3-year-old. But I knew she could sing it, because she had demonstrated that she already knew it when we sang it in Primary. (By the way, she can sing it with true pitch!)
After that, I was really sleepy, so I asked her if she wanted to listen to some Grandma's stories on You Tube. I showed her the playlist, and she picked the one she wanted. I guess the playlist went on and on through the picture book stories I wrote of my children -- her mom and aunts and uncles. (I was dosing, but apparently she was wide awake, quietly entertained.)
This morning when she woke up and came out to the family room. CJ hugged me as I sat in my favorite chair and she told me, "When I grow up, I want to be just like you." It came out of the blue, with absolutely no prompting. She said, "I want to be an artist." I asked her if she wanted to be a singer, too. At first she shook her head, "No," but then she thought about it and said, "I do."
My grandma heart was melting! Thank goodness for moments like this! They really help during the times when the "Hangry CJ Monster" (who won't take a needed afternoon nap) appears and has an hour long tantrum at dinner time!
"Spin Around Dresses and Click Shoes" is one of CJ's favorite picture books.