Things were going pretty well until the second show in the middle of the main character's quiet, soul-searching, repentant solo when the light crew dimmed the lights AND also flipped off the switch to the audio box. Suddenly his mic dropped out and so did the music! But like a trouper, he carried on! Fortunately, we were able to fix the problem, but not until well into the next scene. (What a guy! He will have quite the story to tell!)
Then there was the time when an actor went running behind the back curtain and nearly knocked down the scenery. Fortunately, some of our quick-thinking adult volunteers braced it until it could be fixed. Note to self, always have duct tape handy and at the ready!
So, on the last show, we found that one of the lavaliers (body mics) had broken. We frantically made some redistributions and came up with a new plan to trade mics around. That would have worked fine except we were missing some essential backstage helpers. So the directors ended up pinch hitting with working the sound board and taping the mics to the actors and trying to figure out who had which mics in which scene. Somehow, we all carried on. The audiences gave us wonderful accolades. They seemed to really enjoy the show despite the few malfunctions. They were troupers, too. They even sang along with the cast on the finale songs!
Seriously, there is never a dull moment in the amateur world of live children's theater. I am just so proud that these kids - ages 8-12 - were seasoned enough to stay the course and carry on COME WHAT MAY!
After all -- THE SHOW MUST GO ON!