The U. S. celebrates Thanksgiving Day."
--- from "Turkey in the Pan"
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday.
I was born on Thanksgiving Day, much to my mother's chagrin. Since I was not due for another two weeks, she thought it was safe to invite her entire family down from Idaho for the festivities. She loved to bake and cook and host large family gatherings. She had mopped the floors, prepared make-shift beds, baked the pies, prepped most of the side dishes, put the turkey in the oven, welcomed the weary guests who had traveled all night, and --- SURPRISE! I decided to make my entrance into the world.
I always thought I had the biggest, best birthday parties ever!!! Who else got to see their entire family for their birthday? Besides, I always got pumpkin pie with candles in it instead of birthday cake. (I really don't like to eat cake.)
I am so grateful to find this connection. No wonder I decided to be born on Thanksgiving Day!