The Scout choir consisted of about 20 youth and leaders. Two of the boys sang solo verses and had great voices. There wasn't much in the way of harmony, but I heard a couple of the leaders chime in with some bass and tenor sometimes. All in all, it was wonderful to hear these singing Scouts!
As a family, we have been involved in Scouting from our early years of marriage. We have three sons -- all eight years, one month and one week apart in ages. If you think about it, that alone would guarantee my husband a leadership spot in scouting for at least 24 years. We started with the first son in Cub scouts at age eight, he progressed through the program, got his Eagle at 16, and the next week son #2 became a Bobcat. When the next son was 16 and getting his Explorer Eagle Palms, son #3 became a Bobcat. He got his Eagle just before his 18th birthday. My husband has served as Cub Master, Scout Master, District Leader and Eagle Coach. So far, he has served over 36 years in the scouting program.
So what was I doing all this time? Well, I was a Den Leader three times with each of our boys. So I did my part. One of my favorite perks of working with the Cub Scouts was teaching the boys to sing. We sang for every Den and Pack meeting. We learned all of the great silly songs that were in the BSA songbook. We made crude but awesome homemade instruments. We learned to play chimes and even had a pop bottle orchestra. But mostly we sang. BOYS CAN SING! Don't ever let them tell you otherwise!
For our Pack Meeting opener once, we sang "Put On the Whole Armor of God." The theme for this Pack meeting was actually about Medieval Times. The boys made their own armor, helmets, shields, foam swords, jousting poles, etc. But of course, we wanted them to understand what was the most important armor they should wear. I was so pleased with their singing. They loved the song and the parents were impressed with their gusto!
I love Singing Scouts!