The original tale of "Stone Soup" was set in Europe, I believe, and the main characters were soldiers. In fact, I believe that they were tricksters. Well, this show is set in the American Old West, and the Traveler is a good guy.
We are all about talking up the "Code of the West" or the certain behaviors that were never written down but adhered to just the same by the people settling the West.
Our show is about COOPERATION and how cooperating can benefit everyone.
The trouble has been that here in Utah summertime is also TREK time. That means more people are scrambling to find Pioneer costumes for their kids going on Trek. So, very little was available to look through in the thrift stores where I like to shop (because that's what I, and apparently everybody else, can afford).
But thankfully, I think we finally found enough costumes. Shoes have been a different story though! Hopefully, all of the young actors (5-11 years old) can find boots and shoes that will work.
Now, if only the heat will moderate!