The wife of the Mission President called me a few weeks ago and asked if I could do a video interview explaining how I came to write this song. They wanted my thoughts to share with all of their missionaries. (In this time of Quarantine, missionary work is still rolling forward through TECHNOLOGY! The "tech" Elders in the SLC office would glean and edit the good stuff from whatever material I gave them to use in Zoom meetings.)
So, yesterday a couple of Sister missionaries came to my house, set up the video equipment, and asked me questions. First, they wanted to know about me, my family, my history of writing music, and so forth. I rambled on for a while giving them information I hope they can use.
They followed by asking how the song came about. I told them that when we lived in Baltimore Maryland, the Stake President asked me to write a song to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the formation of the Baltimore Maryland Stake. I searched for inspiration and prayed, and one day woke up with the title in my thoughts. I continued to read Conference talks and scriptures until I found the lyrics for the body of the song that supported the title.
"The time has come to stand a little taller,
To demonstrate our faith in the living God,
To do the work of His Beloved Son, Our Master,
To follow in the ways that the Savior trod"
NEW - Unison and 2-Part Version A simplified version of "Building on a Legacy of Faith" is available FREE for solo, duet, or small choir or family group, or other Missions to use as their Mission Song.