Some of the messages spoken focused on rededicating our lives to serving, particularly in doing Family History work. We were reminded that this work of Gathering Israel on both sides of the veil is the most important work we can be doing at this time. How wonderful that the magnificent Washington DC Temple will be open again very soon.
One of the songs that was sung by the choir today was “The Hosanna Anthem” that was sung at the Kirkland Temple dedication as well as the Salt Lake Temple dedication. A thrilling part was when the choir sang a descant as the Congregation sang two verses of “The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning.” This linked all three dedications together. The Washington DC Temple was just the 18th temple built in this dispensation and the first on the East Coast. It has also become a landmark and a tourist attraction in the nation’s capital. Those of us in the congregation felt privileged to sing “Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb.”
Several years ago I was asked to write a piece for a chapel dedication. The words were taken from the Kirkland Temple dedication given through revelation to Joseph Smith. “May this house be a house of worship, of study, of faith, of prayer. May this house be a house of learning, of glory, of order, a house of God.” (D. & C. 109:8)
Enjoy “Dedication”
May we dedicate this house to thee, O God.
May we dedicate our lives to thy service, Lord.
May we dedicate our lives to thy service, Lord.
May we offer up our hearts to thee in faith.
May we offer up our hearts to thee in faith.
May we covenant to bring forth the cause of Zion
May we covenant to bring forth the cause of Zion. (2X to CODA)
May this house be a house of worship, of study, of faith, of prayer.
May this house be a house of learning, of glory, of order, a house of God.
(CODA) Forever, and ever. Amen.