I'll never forget the night it came to be. It was nearing Christmas time. We were living in Maryland in a home with large sliding glass patio doors overlooking a forest in the back. One night, some of the younger children were sick. In order to care for the four who were actively fighting stomach flu, we all stayed down in the family room. I had made makeshift beds for them on the couches. (More convenient to pass the bucket that way.) The Christmas tree was up and I turned the soft twinkling tree lights on for comfort.
During the quiet times, I was able to watch the brilliant night sky out the patio windows. The stars were so bright, it made me reflect on the night of Christ's birth. Funny how it is when you are busy rendering service, you have glimpses into the very mission and love of the Savior of the world. As I pondered, the words and melody of this song came into my mind. The form of this song came so swiftly and in full form, I know that it was a gift. Because I was busy tending the children, I reviewed the song over and over exactly as I heard it in my mind, hoping and praying that I would not forget it as I did not know when I could get the time to write it down.
By morning the children were resting more comfortably and I was able to get to the piano to sketch out the song I was given in the night. One line puzzled me, though. I did not know if I could say: "And angel choirs with tongues of fire sang praise to the King of Kings." I went to the scriptures and looked up whether there were any references to "singing with tongues of fire." I found out that that phrase was synonymous with "testimony of the Holy Ghost." When the Holy Ghost testifies, you feel a fire of conviction in your soul. Yes, I know that the angels who sang at Christ's birth were singing with tongues of fire and the witness of the Holy Ghost. I felt it that night for myself and I have felt that power many times since.
May you enjoy the peace and comfort of the King of Kings in your life this Christmas season and always.
King of Kings Words and Music by Betsy Lee Bailey The night was chill, the winds were chill, The angels in heaven were waiting, The time was near when the world would hear Of the birth of the King of Kings. The place was spare, no comforts there, To shelter or herald His coming. The Lord of Light who comes this night Is Jesus, the King of Kings. He will bring joy to all people, And peace and good will towards men. He will bring joy to all people If they will believe in Him. The angel told, in language bold, His tidings to shepherds, quaking, “Fear not,” said he, “For you shall see The Child, the King of Kings.” They went with haste, to find the place, Where the Holy Child lay sleeping, While angel choirs with tongues of fire Sang praise to the King of Kings. He will bring joy to all people, And peace and good will towards men. He will bring joy to all people If they will believe in Him. | Let now all people honor Him. With angel choruses sing Alleluia! Alleluia! And from afar the wondrous Star Led Wise Men westward seeking. Their gifts to bring to the Infant King, The Savior, the King of Kings. He will bring joy to all people, And Life and Salvation to Man. There will be joy for all people If they will believe on Him. And we, as they of ancient day, Bring homage and hearts adoring. Our voices ring, our praises sing to Jesus the King of Kings. He will bring joy to all people And Life Eternal for Men. There will be joy for all people If they will believe on Him. He will bring joy, joy, joy to the world! Sing alleluia, alleluia! Joy! Joy! Joy to the world! Jesus is King of Kings! Sing joy and hallelujah! We honor the King of Kings! |