Now, I usually sat on the edge or near the edge of the First Sopranos on row five. What that means is, that area was rarely panned. Usually, the cameras would pan over the Soprano section coming down a few rows from the top --- then switch to the men. Or they would start from the bottom and pan up a few rows --- then switch another section. Or they would start with close-ups in the alto section and move to the left towards the outside edge of the middle rows of the sopranos --- but never quite get to the edge. So, I was mostly visible if you knew where to look in the WIDE SHOTS.
(You may have noticed, if you watched the choir songs during Conference that the choir seats seemed particularly full. That's because NOBODY WANTS to miss singing in Conference. And since there are technically more members of the choir than there are seats in the loft, there had to be a stratagem to determine who actually got a seat to sing in Conference. To qualify, you had to keep up good attendance at all of the rehearsals and MSW broadcasts and other events.)
Singing in General Conferences were spiritual highlights of my time in the choir. So glad to be included VIRTUALLY again. It was wonderful to relive the feelings of what it was like to be in the Conference Center listening to the messages of our wonderful Prophets and Apostles. I felt again the Spirit of singing those magnificent arrangements.
It was such a blessing to be transported to that time again.