Because Becky and I lived so close, we were often together riding the bus to school, car-pooling to or from activities, or just hanging out. Sometimes we wanted to practice the trio song we were preparing for a Church program. Imagine how silly we sounded singing just the two harmony parts WITHOUT THE MELODY or any accompaniment. Little did we care! We wanted to get our parts down cold. And we did.
The other day I was thinking about that time way back then. I have been reading a book about the signs of the times. This book contains prophecies and counsel about the last days prior to the Lord's Second Coming. Some of those signs are pretty upsetting, pointing to calamities and wickedness that will run rampant throughout the world. But there are also exciting promises for those who are righteous and stay true to the counsels of the Lord and His prophets.
I can't help contemplating how Becky and I managed to sing just our harmony parts without the help of either melody or accompaniment. In a way, that is a metaphor for staying strong amidst the calamities and temptations of the world. How did we do it?
Well, good musicians can hear in their heads more than just their own part. They can imagine the melody, rhythm and accompaniment going along as they sing their part. Perhaps that can be likened to staying on the covenant path without wavering all while remembering that we, indeed, were sent for such a time as this.