He had said that there were some tremendously talented musical people in the Whittier 7th Ward and that I would instantly love them. They were always doing big events like Roadshows, Dance Festivals, full-scale Musicals, and other programs at the drop of a hat. In fact, their Roadshows were known to win "All Church" honors and be presented at June Conference in Salt Lake City.
These were indeed my "people." Those were the days when the Church provided much of its own "culture." We were encouraged to do many activities in Music, Drama, Art, Dance, and Sports. In fact, these kinds of activities were outlined by the General Board of the Mutual Improvement Association (MIA) for the Youth. My growing up years in the Church were filled with lots of glittery, sparkly events. Everywhere we lived (many places across the country) my mother made sure that these Church-sponsored events were done "to the nines." The people in Ellis' ward growing up did the same -- maybe even more so since there were simply more like-minded folks.
Apparently, those years of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s were very special to a lot of the Whittier locals. So special and unique, they called it Camelot --- a time and place most people only dream about. It truly was a special time, a time probably never to be repeated. So glad I was privileged to be part of at least some of those good times!