Oh, how I wanted this song to be premiered by a large choir accompanied by a large orchestra, but I knew I was limited in scope to a 50 voice choir, piano, string quartet and two flutes. What we lacked in orchestration, we more than made up for in spirit and enthusiasm. The song was received well and the 30th Anniversary Celebration was a success. The song went on to win an Award of Distinction in the annual Church Submission contest and was performed on Temple Square in Salt lake City.
"Building on a Legacy of Faith" may be sung to commemorate the efforts of the early Pioneers of the church as well as to celebrate the many new pioneers throughout the world in our day who are bravely pressing on, ever seeking Zion. It is a stirring Pioneer Anthem as well as a wonderful Missionary Anthem. These words exhort us to continue onward:
"Serve the Lord. Trust His word.
Make known His wondrous works in all the earth.
Learn of Him. Call upon His name.
Prepare for the day when Christ will come again."
And then these words of President Gordon B. Hinckley provide the reason we do what we do:
"The time has come to stand a little taller,
To demonstrate our faith in the living God.
To do the work of His Beloved Son, our Master,
To follow in the ways that our Savior trod."
"Building on a Legacy of Faith_____
Ever moving forward; ever seeking Zion.
Servants of our God, working hand in hand,
Ever building on a legacy of faith."