Call Upon the Lord - solo now available as digital download or hardcopy separately from Jackman Music
Call Upon the Lord - Words and Music by Betsy Lee Bailey
Call upon the Lord,
He is thy strength,
He is thy rock, thy fortress.
Call upon the Lord, thy true deliverer.
He will show the perfect way.
Call upon the Lord,
He is thy light,
He will dispel all darkness.
Call upon the Lord
In thy distress, He is thy Savior.
He is thy strength,
He is thy rock, thy fortress.
Call upon the Lord, thy true deliverer.
He will show the perfect way.
Call upon the Lord,
He is thy light,
He will dispel all darkness.
Call upon the Lord
In thy distress, He is thy Savior.
Cry unto the Lord
He hears thy voice.
Draw near to Him.
Cry with fervent hope
In thy salvation.
Call upon the Lord,
His name be praised!
His glory is forevermore.
Sing unto Him!
Thy God shall hear thee
If ye call upon the Lord.
He hears thy voice.
Draw near to Him.
Cry with fervent hope
In thy salvation.
Call upon the Lord,
His name be praised!
His glory is forevermore.
Sing unto Him!
Thy God shall hear thee
If ye call upon the Lord.
About the Song - I seem to get most of my good ideas for songs while in the car. One clear, starlit night (rather unusual in Maryland), I was waiting in the parking lot of the Church for my daughters to return from an activity. The sky was so beautiful and I started allowing a melody to develop in my mind. As it flowed, the words came as I thought of some verses from Isaiah which said, "Call upon the Lord, He is thy strength, He is thy rock, thy fortress." The obligato may also be played by a violin, flute or other C instrument.