"The Barnyard Troubadours" is a comic Add-On song from the Children's Mini-Musical "The Musicians of Bremen." In the story, the Donkey decides to earn his/her living by singing to the people in the town of Bremen. She is joined by a dog, a cat, and a rooster. They decided that their voices really are sublime, but everyone knows that these animals are known to make loud, obnoxious sounds. In this comic song, the animals show off their "unusual" harmony. Each animal sound has its unique rhythm and melody. This song is a good exercise in counting. For performance, an excerpt from the script is included.
Check out the 15 minute classroom musical "The Musicians of Bremen" that this song is taken from. It is available from BaileyKidsMusicals.com complete with Script, Songs, and Lesson Plans. Perfect for Elementary Grades.
Check out the 15 minute classroom musical "The Musicians of Bremen" that this song is taken from. It is available from BaileyKidsMusicals.com complete with Script, Songs, and Lesson Plans. Perfect for Elementary Grades.
"The Barnyard Troubadours" - accompaniment MP3 available from SheetMusicPlus and SheetMusicDirect