How Far Is Heaven? - Children's Song
I was looking for an idea for a children's song one day when I picked up the 2010 Ensign about Temples. On the back was a quote from Pres. Thomas S. Monson that jumped off the page at me in this song form. I thought that it needed another verse, so I flipped through the pages and there on page 10 was another quote from President Monson that became a perfect third verse. Then in General Conference the next week, one of the brethren said something that perfectly fit for the 2nd verse. I love these words in particular, "In their gleaming glory, temples seem to say, 'Come home to heaven, home to family, home to God.'"
Also Solo version with elongated piano interlude in two transpositions for high or low voice.
Also Solo version with elongated piano interlude in two transpositions for high or low voice.
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