The prophet Alma is recounting how he wishes he had the voice of an angel to cry repentance to all people. He would shout repentance with a powerful voice so loud that it would shake the whole earth. That way, people would surely get the message and indeed repent. But no, that cannot be. Each person has agency to choose to repent and follow Christ, or not. Still, he thinks that being an instrument in bringing even one soul unto God is the greatest blessing ever.
I was privileged to write the solo version of this text for a vocal student of mine who was leaving soon to fill his mission in Thailand. He had a powerful, heroic tenor voice that really suited the music. He sang it beautifully for his farewell.
The format of the song is a rondo -- the refrain repeats after each contrasting section. Each adventure away from the refrain is unique and carries its own special message and music. Each return to the refrain connects the parts together and unifies the whole.
Not long after I wrote this solo piece, a baritone friend of mine wanted me to adapt it as a duet for us to sing together -- Soprano and Baritone. I did and we premiered it at a Stake Conference meeting. I am just sorry that we never recorded it.
The solo "O That I Were an Angel" is in a collection of Sacred Songs and Hymn Arrangements "The Praiseworthy Singer" Volume 14.
"O That I Were and Angel" Sacred Duet for Soprano and Baritone is available for digital download.