The talks previous to mine were about relating to our ancestors and doing work for them in the Temples. It felt good that I began with a story about one of my ancestors that then led into my topic. (I just felt bad that I had to tell it from memory.) Here is that story:
Before long, though, the missionaries invited the members in his village to emigrate to Salt Lake City along with other new converts from England, which they all did. Except William Bosomworth, at nine years old and the only member in his family, was too young to join them. For many years, William had only the Book of Mormon and the LDS Hymnal to help him keep his faith alive. He loved singing the hymns of the Restoration. Eventually William grew up, got married, and started raising his family. As the children came along, he loved rocking them to sleep by singing.
Many years later, his 16-year-old daughter Jane, my great-grandmother, passed another street display by Mormon missionaries. They too were singing hymns to try to attract people to listen to their message. Jane stopped to listen to the singing. She was so surprised that she recognized their songs, but these were not hymns she sang in their parish Church. She wondered why she knew them.
Jane was a good singer, too. She was excited to go home to sing a bit of the music to her father. He told her those were Hymns of the Restoration that he sang to her as lullabies when she was little. He said, "That's probably why you recognized them."
Jane decided then and there to be taught by the missionaries. She also joined the Church. Later, she and her husband emigrated to Utah, well Idaho really. Because of this conversion story and many others, we in our family have great cause to love the Hymns of the Restoration."
To close I related my thoughts back to my Family History story:
"I know that the Hymns and Children's songs have been given to us to bless our lives, to teach us the great truths of the Gospel and help us write those truths deep in our souls. My love for my Heavenly Father and my Savior has deepened as I have sung sacred songs and hymns. Like my great-great-grandfather William Bosomworth, the hymns of the Restoration have helped keep my faith alive.
May they help keep your faith alive, too."