So how to pare down your thoughts to essentials? We were told that the main purpose of this Workshop is to inspire other music leaders to get excited about serving in their callings.
Here are some other topics we are to address:
1. Just how Music is so important for worship.
2. Inviting the Spirit into the meetings through the music, teaching activities, and good preparation.
3. Be as polished as possible so that you don't do things that break the spirit of reverence and worship.
4. In Primary especially, talk about how reverence is so important in setting the tone for worship.
5. How to "work the room" during Primary Singing Time to be able to switch effortlessly between the fun stuff and more reverent moments.
6. Model the excitement of serving in music callings and how special music is to worship
Because I like art, I could easily bring examples of 43 years worth of collecting and using Visual Aids and Games. But I think that could overwhelm some people --- especially the newly called Primary Music Leaders. So, I've decided to stick to essentials like:
1. Memorizing the Primary Songs before teaching them
2. Modeling good singing techniques (posture, breathing, tone, diction, etc.)
3. Learning good PACING (packing a lot into limited time)
4. Striving for the Magic 7 Mark (teaching to the seven learning styles)
5. Assembling a Song Leader's Bag of Tricks
6. Teaching the Gospel through Music
7. Bearing personal testimony.

Here is a quote about rehearsing from our nephew Randy Lee who currently teaches at BYU and plays in the Orchestra at Temple Square. "As musicians we rehearse until there is no possibility of making a mistake."
This is such a privilege to be able to do this Church Music Workshop. I hope and pray that we can encourage the attendees to find joy and excitement in their Music Callings.